Legal Engineering – At the Intersection of Law & Technology – March 8, 2022

IPLAC Patent Agent Committee member, and founder of the American Society of Legal Engineers (“ASLE”), Eric DeChant, explored the burgeoning field of Legal Engineering at an IPLAC event co-hosted by the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Master of Science in Law (MSL) program.  An application of scientific methods and technology to the practice of law, Legal Engineering requires a mix of skills and subject matter knowledge to accelerate legal service delivery.

In his presentation, Eric reviewed different practice areas of Legal Engineering, then explored a case study of Legal Engineers building an online tool to help small business owners navigate the application process for emergency government-funded loans during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020.  The event closed with an overview of the different learning and networking resources available to those interested in exploring careers in Legal Engineering.


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